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Everything is Energy Part 2

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Circulation with self

Often enough, clients have come to me with issues I call ‘circulatory issues.’ Not to be confused with blood circulation we all need to thrive in our physical selves. This type of flow happens within the energy field. A lack of circulation of energy within personal space, within our own individual auric fields that often merge with others.

If we are interested in knowing ourselves, we may even think about giving and receiving in our interactions with others.

For most it is brought to the surface through feelings of burnout or energetically drained. Often as humans, our first reaction is to blame someone else for that feeling. Although it is important to ask the question of how others are involved, it’s useless unless we are monitoring our own responses to others.

Some of the holistic questions we can ask ourselves.

What is this person giving me energetically, and what am I giving them?
What am I receiving from this circumstance and what do I want to put out from it? What is a fair exchange of energy in this interaction with life?

Wow, huge questions that have so many options for addressing so for the sake of clarity, I will attempt to explain in the context of the personal auric field.

movement in the aura

We have within our energy systems negative and positive pulls. We receive through the left, the side of the heart and give through the right. We connect with our feminine side on the left and our masculine side on the right.

When sensing the subtle energies in the auric field there is an opportinuty to come into a deeper undertsanding about where we may be stuck.

How you are feeling in any given moment will be the strongest indicator of what energy you are exchanging within yourselves.

A physical example. Today I feel overspent and under cared for in my body.
‘I’m going to give myself a spa day.

Or, an example of emotional consciousness would be giving yourself a hard time for making a wrong turn or loosing your keys.

Learn to circluate your thoughts and ideas rather than giving them a home through I AM or YOU Are.

The easyiest way to give yourself a bad vibe is by pointing out someone elses.

Another way of giving and receiving a ‘bad’ vibe is by pointing out somebody else’s. Wait what? Read that again.

So we may think that we’re projecting out to other people, but we are giving to ourselves because we are in our sphere. Even if I’m talking about somebody very distant or far away from me, I am putting that energy back into my own field.

That is really the way that I’ve learned to understand karma. It is what energy you are vibing within any given moment and how you are responding to it.

Now, this idea about the Law of Attraction is also prevalent. It is based on this idea that everything is energy and that talking about reality or visualizing the truth that you want is the only way towards getting it.

Einstein’s quote simplifies it, and there’s a lot of law of attraction authors and speakers who work to pound this into people’s minds and their brains when they come to see them. If the client arrives with what’s wrong and we discuss it too long, what’s wrong is going to keep happening. Then the time feels repetitive, and joyfully it becomes a game with that leverage of understanding, that what you’re saying is creating more of what you want?

Stay curious and present for what vibe is emerging from you and sail out to see if it fits within your vision of the horizon.

Olivia Perez Biera

It’s about understanding from a wise place of highest source and giving to others in a compassionate, non-judgmental way, and that compassion can stop you from getting upset. It could give you the perspective of the other person. It could provide you the doorway to forgiveness. It is something that energy healers have to practice on a regular daily moment to moment basis with or without a client.

I’ve found that energy healers who don’t understand and practice this type of deep compassion ended up finding themselves taking on a lot of their client’s frequency and absorb the energy of their client that matches that lower vibration.

Read more about this in my post The Occupational Hazards of Being a Healer.

Of course, you don’t have to do what I say, it is my suggestion that is offered with my enthusiasm and love for all.

Infinite Blessings, Olivia Perez Biera

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