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Everything is Energy

Everything is energy. We are electrical spiritual beings having a human experience. I feel this when I practice subtle energy techniques like tai chi and qi gong. Or when I practice healing bodywork, it is apparent and evident that we are emitting and absorbing electric currents.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
This is a great quote. It basically puts forward the ideas behind works like the inspirational book The Secret or the sentiment behind The Law of Attraction ­ both great philosophies.
It’s certainly true that your reality tends to reflect the type of energy you put into it. Let’s face it, when you put happiness and kindness into the world, you also tend to interpret things out there in a certain way… you notice the good things in life. Your subjectivity shapes your world. It’s a wonderful idea and one to take with you.


We match the frequency of reality we want means that within this vast scape of energy that we are all locked into, each of us is a measured particle of it’s greatness. Apply the dualistic nature of the earthly realm, and the volume of frequencies doubles into each polarity. There are probably infinite frequencies, and matching what we want to the frequency means that we’re calling it in.

We’re conjuring it up by purposely or accidentally thinking and feeling it.

Here is an easy example:
Let’s say I am about to travel and I feel nervous tension. I know that the frequency of nervous tension that is in my auric field and perhaps my physical body can be balanced by its opposite. In this case, I would turn to lavender essential oil.

So let’s say I packed my lavender oil in my suitcase and can’t get to it in the moment of nervous tension. Instead, I simply close my eyes, visualize the lavender in my suitcase or nearest to me (plant or essential oil) and
“Bring forth the frequency of lavender to help balance this moment.”
The next step for me would be inhaling that vital energy and allowing the space to let the nervous tension be neutralized.


So if everything is energy and even the emotional and mental bodies run via measured frequencies, one can imagine the clusters of toxicity everyone is ready to eliminate from their space.

How did we learn how to clean clutter? By pulling everything out, organizing it, and putting it back neatly. We circulate the objects we are holding to give us a sense of peace through the tidiness.

One of the most helpful subtle healing techniques is circulation. So we are energetically attempting to clear out all the frequencies that we don’t want in our space. First, we must acknowledge that they are non-physical infrastructure for our reality and they have quality. This step opens the door to influence. Then we are ready to bring forth circulatory frequencies, what is going to move the energy.

Some vibrational tools for circulation can include bloodstone or natural copper. The essential oil of Cypress, Lemongrass, Orange or Clary Sage. You can add any of these physical tools to a glass misting spray bottle with distilled water and have it on hand to circulate your own energy. Or, you can call in its frequency. Personally I do both.

The earth is negatively charged, emitting negative ions and electrons. These negatively charged ions and electrons help detoxify our bodies from free radicals, heavy metals, air pollution, etc. The healing treatment that earthing provides is unparalleled.

world, earth, planet

Of course, Mother Earth and her infinite supply of negative ions that help discharge too much electrical frequency in the body.

Check out the testimonial video I participated in back in 2007 after spending 6 months on Earthing sheets (which I still use today, by the way) in exchange for giving input and feedback on the product. I had been feeling horrible with chronic inflammation that had no explanation until I realized I was a walking 9-volt battery. As humans, we physiologically function better somewhere around 1.27 volts. The realization of ‘earthing’ was a sort of a spiritual coming home to understanding the many levels of energy exchange we have with Mother Earth and Father Sky. More on this later.

To Be Continued… check back for Part 2 of this conversation.

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