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5 Steps to Creating Passive Income – Part 2

Here is a pic of my daughter and I sitting on a flamingo’s bay on the #Island of Isabella in the#Galapagos archipelago.

She was 5 and I had just turned 30. We were traveling on 2 streams of#passive #income at the time. Connect with me on Facebook on Monday Morning at 9am for a live challenge for YOU to start earning passive income in the way that is perfect for YOU!


What does the perfect business look like to you?

That version of you who you are well on your way to realizing.

To embark in the stream of passive income we must be sure about what water we swim in.

You have to have your unique soul signature on this project, so inviting the truest version of you to the party is where it starts. Take a few breaths and do just that.


I am a healer living in Los Angeles, California. I live in one of our largest, most beautiful parks with my 2 daughters, my finance and my sweet doggy Lilo.

This is what I envisioned for myself. I manifested it and now I am visioning even more!

So i know, YOU, can get your dreams earthed and rooted in the reality of abundant finances, health, love, security, and peace of mind too.

Take some seconds with me here and start brainstorming the answers to the following questions to better realize your path to Passive or Residual Income.

Answer these question from the perspective of your future self.

What is your Perfect Business?

How are you paid Perfectly?

What are your hours per week on this position?

What is the return?

How much time and money have you invested?

What is fair and right for you?

What do you like about it?

What challenges did you face to get there?

Really, answering and working these questions as though your looking back from that pinnacle place, because even that is just a moment in time. 

Connect with Empowered Living by Olivia on Facebook to get these mini workshops LIVE!

Here is a pic of my daughter and I sitting on a flamingo’s bay on the #Island of Isabella in the#Galapagos archipelago.

She was 5 and I had just turned 30. We were traveling on 2 streams of#passive #income at the time. Connect with me on Facebook on Monday Morning at 9am for a live challenge for YOU to start earning passive income in the way that is perfect for YOU!

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