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Vibe Check

Macuilli Yollotl (5 of hearts) indicates difficulty moving through past experiences. Turned away and lingering in old memories for too long causes one to lose sight of possibility that exists all around. The strength to consensually move through challenging times is often painful, but required for intention and growth to flourish. Pictured on the right are two overflowing hearts, symbolizing new development, life, and opportunity. With assurance, trust that your heart is continuously healing and evolving.

Gather aliments of all forms for sustenance as you traverse delicate waters~ Find balance by tending to your inner flame for optimistic movement and excitement.

Visiting or creating your own sacred site for moments of contemplation, gratitude, and a peaceful hiatus are essential for ones wellbeing and spiritual development. What does your personal sanctuary look like?

Perhaps you feel drawn to a place in your home, mind’s eye, or local park. Although location might change from time to time, no action is required when traversing to this inner knowing and place of solitude~ This form of restoration and reflection is the actual practice of holding space for yourself and collective dreams. This card also invites you to refine your ability to adjust your point of view by spending (more) time outside.

Sometimes it’s necessary to turn away from unpleasant emotions to protect ourselves. Let this practice center your heart(space) and willingness to retreat inward for further tending and clearing~ The essence of any sacred site is always within. Draw upon it when you feel like you need to be your own place of refuge in abrupt moments. Find comfort in envisioning your sanctum and benevolent energies. Reaching great heights and moments of clarity takes work. These cards remind us that our purpose is ready to deepen through rest and nurturing our garden of inspiration.